The era of using paper processes is coming to an end. Businesses are switching to technological advances that allow them to ditch paper. But not every business is opting to get rid of paper processes. Why is that?In an article from Small Biz Daily author Nick Candito writes, “In many companies the paper trail serves as a de facto process audit and may even be a necessary part of controlling processes. However, paper is almost useless for managing the integrity and reliability of data across multiple teams”.In the article Candito discusses 5 ways going paperless will help your business:
Information security
Real-time visibility
Optimized performance
Candito continues, “The case of going paperless is not only worth it but essential. Millennials are becoming the workforce standard as the baby boomers leave. The world is changing and so is the competition, and you need to keep up”. How can going paperless improve your business?See the full article from Nick Candito in Small Biz Daily.