
Do You Need a Logo Refresh?

Written by Admin | Aug 12, 2016 4:00:00 AM
If you think about the most iconic brands, their logos are instantly recognizable. Some marketing experts say a logo is the most important visual representation of your business. Your logo is the face of your brand. What do you want your logo to convey about your business? Marketing is about fresh and new. You don’t want your logo looking tired and outdated. That says to your customers that you’re not concerned with keeping up with current trends, technology, or market research. Here are a few reasons your logo might be due for a refresh:
  • You have expanded your products and services. Perhaps your logo was perfect when you established your business, but now it doesn’t reflect all the services you offer.
  • Your target market has changed. Do you have a steady Baby Boomer clientele, but you want to appeal to more Millennials? Your branding will need to change accordingly.
  • You have moved or you’re serving a different location. While you might still be providing the same services, sometimes changing geographic locations can impact the way you market yourself. Depending on different demographic factors, you could need to modify your logo. Do you want your signage to have snowflakes and mountains if you’re now operating in a land of surf and palm trees?
Small Biz Resources gives some great examples of before and after logos and how they’ve freshened up their companies’ branding. They can be found in the full article.