- Shred away. Invest in a shredder. The moment you are finished with sensitive documents, put them through the shredder. This includes bank and credit card statements, receipts, and other financial information. Simply throwing them away doesn’t work: people intent on stealing personal information will dig through your trash can to find it.
- Get it in writing. If you get a phone call about an offer or a charitable contribution, tell the caller to send something in the mail. Have them include the name of the organization, phone number, address, and business license number. Go over all this information carefully before doing business with anyone.
- Keep personal information private. Never give out credit card, banking, social security, or any other personal information over the phone, unless you initiated the call. Even then, if you are feeling uncomfortable about proceeding, end the call and tell the other party to contact you by mail.
- Remember the old adage, “If it’s too good to be true, it probably is.”
1 min read